Span+Aids® Extremities Patient Positioners


Cradle Boot – Standard

Floats heel, supporting foot in the neutral position while preventing external rotation. Well-ventilated boot is easy to use and apply. Square base provides stability.

Foot Drop Stop – Standard

Elevates heels, supports ankle position. Adjustable strap can accommodate ankle contracture, protect against foot drop. Square base provides stability. Ring-of-Air® design provides ventilation.
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Foot Drop Stop – Original

Hexagonal base, Ring-of-Air® design in center core for ventilation, and adjustable foam strap protect heel and malleoli in multiple leg positi

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Cradle Boot – Original

Floats heel, supporting foot in neutral position, prevents external rotation.
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Limb Elevator

Elevates casted or uncasted leg. Can be used in both supine and side Iying positions.
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Flared Leg Extension

Elevates leg and knee in extended position.
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Leg Trough

Immobilizes leg and knee in neutral position. Base is contoured to posterior leg to support under the knee.

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Upper Limb Positioner

Positions upper arm with sloped groove for stability & comfort. Initially designed for use with burn patients.

Cock-Up Splint

Designed to help maintain hand and wrist in a desired position. Holds fingers and thumb opposed to prevent contractures. Hand stirrup is adjustable.
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